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Granty Evropské komise - Společenská odpovědnost firem

41/G/ENT/CIP/12/E/N02S001 - European Multistakeholder platforms on corporate social responsibility in relevant business sectors


Konečný termín: 14/09/2012

Number: 41/G/ENT/CIP/12/E/N02S001


The overall objective of this call is to encourage and enable more European enterprises of the respective business sector across the EU to take a strategic approach to corporate social responsibility in cooperation with relevant stakeholders.


The specific objectives of this initiative are to:

  • provide an opportunity for enterprises and other stakeholders to identify and discuss constructively the current and future CSR-related challenges facing individual business sectors;
  • facilitate the adoption of sector wide joint commitments to address those challenges, and of monitoring tools to evaluate progress;
  • encourage a much larger number of enterprises to take a strategic approach to social responsibility in close cooperation with their stakeholders;
  • give greater visibility to the CSR activities of enterprises.

Questions on this call for proposals can be submitted in writing by sending an e-mail to:

Please find the Call text and other relevant documentation below.

Please note that electronic submissions of project proposals using the EPSS system are mandatory this year. 

Please follow the link to upload and submit your proposal.

Part B documents prepared on the basis of the templates provided on this webpage before the activation of the Electronic Proposals Submission System may also be uploaded by following this link.

Please read the Guide for Applicants (see below) very carefully before starting the electronic submission. You will also find the EPSS Guide for Submission on the EPSS website.

Please note that the deadline for electronic submission is 14th September 2012, 17.00 hours (Brussels time).

As additional infromation (including the update list of the calls questions & answers) shall be posted on this webpage during the publication stage, we encourage you to visit this page regurarly.


Documets & links:

visit the CSR Web pages on Europa






zdroj: Evropská komise

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